The reason MasterChange uses virtual reality is because the experience is fundamentally different to when you watch a 2D video on your screen.
It isn't expensive; you just need your mobile phone and £5 headset. So download the app and try it for yourself
Get it on Google Play
Download on the App Store

Additional Content

MasterChange is a Virtual World and therefore is best experienced with a headset. This is also why we haven't spent much time or effort on the website. We prefer to show not tell! The power is lost when looking at a 3d experience in two dimensions.

Headsets aren't expensive; you can make one for less than the price of a coffee or buy one for less than the price of a couple of pints.

However, for the curious and cautious, take a look at some of the content you can find in The World of MasterChange.

NB If the video is "3D" you can drag the view with your mouse to look around. Whilst not as good as viewing with a headset it gives you an idea of what to expect

Matt, the Oncologist

The MasterChange Hospital

Stacy Welcome (3D)